About Camp Fire
What is Camp Fire? It’s a way of life.
We know the youth of today want to shape the world. Camp Fire provides the experience everyone needs to discover who they are – find their spark – and become a leader now.
Where children and teens discover who they are.
Camp Fire provides a nurturing, constructive and fun environment for young people to discover their sparks—unique skills, passions, and interests—and adopt a growth mindset. They chart their own course to healthy habits, community leadership, and connection to nature in collaboration with trained, caring adults. And, in turn, Camp Fire youth give back by sharing those skills in their communities.
At Camp Fire, it’s truly a way of life.
Camp Fire is dedicated to improving the lives of young people. Camp Fire is committed to training youth development professionals, supporting quality programs, and sustaining them for the long term through organizational effectiveness and program quality improvement systems.
Helping youth become who they want to be takes time and encouragement. It takes paying attention to what sparks a passion. At Camp Fire we help youth discover their spark.
Leadership. Professional, caring adults.
- Our work with young people is tailored to each individual, guiding them to be their best, a “best” they define themselves.
- Volunteers and staff are passionate role models, champions of children (through proven, developmental methods) to live into their dreams.
- Programs encourage youth to discover their sparks, that kernel of passion that makes them thrive.
Inclusiveness. Camp Fire is open to everyone.
- We are co-educational
- The uniqueness of all young people and their families is embraced.
- Every child is celebrated every day. No exceptions.
- Participants build lasting relationships with youth and adults of all ages and backgrounds.
Participant driven. Camp Fire is led by the youth themselves.
- Each young person sets their best course, in the direction they choose with no rigid checklists.
- Youth are motivated to find their own true voice; their own self-esteem.
- As youth care for others, they also become self-reliance.
- Youth are encouraged to explore their natural sense of curiosity and find their own sparks.
About now.
- Camp Fire helps develop abilities today. We build a strong foundation, empowering youth for the present and the future.